I think that a successful old age is easiest for those who have strong impersonal interests involving appropriate activities. It is in this sphere that long experience is really fruitful,and it is in this sphere that the wisdom born of experience can be exercised without being oppressive. It is no use telling grow nup children not to make mistakes, both because they will not believe you, and because mistakes are an essential part of education. But if you are one of those who are incapable of impersonal interests, you may find that your life will bee mpty unless you concern yourself with your children and grandchildren. In that case you must realize that while you can still render them material services, suc has making them an allowance or knitting them jumpers, you must not expect that they will enjoy your company.
Some old people are oppressed by the fear of death. In the young there is a justification for this feeling. Young men who have reason to fear that they will be killed in battle may justifiably feel bitter in the thought that they have been cheated of the best things that life has to offer. But in an old man who has known human joys and sorrows, and has achieved whatever work it was in him to do, the fear of death is somewhat abject and ignoble. 却说曹寨中,听得擂鼓呐喊,毛玠、于禁二人慌忙飞报曹操。操传令曰:“重雾迷江,彼军忽至,必有埋伏,切不可轻动。可拨水军弓弩手乱箭射之。”又差人往旱寨内唤张辽、徐晃各带弓弩军三千,火速到江边助射。比及号令到来,毛玠、于禁怕南军抢入水寨,已差弓弩手在寨前放箭;少顷,旱寨内弓弩手亦到,约一万余人,尽皆向江中放箭:箭如雨发。孔明教把船吊回,头东尾西,逼近水寨受箭,一面擂鼓呐喊。待至日高雾散,孔明令收船急回。二十只船两边束草上,排满箭支。孔明令各船上军士齐声叫曰:“谢丞相箭!”比及曹军寨内报知曹操时,这里船轻水急,已放回二十余里,追之不及。曹操懊悔不已。