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时间:2020-12-30     作者:考研资源网  所属栏目: 考研英语

France,which prides itself as the global innovator of fashion, has decided its fashion industry has lost an absolute right to define physical beauty for woman.

本句28词,整个句子包括一个由which引导的定语从句,which定语从句放在France 和主句谓语动词之间,从句用双逗号隔开,此处定语从句的划分较为容易;主句谓语动词has decided后面还存在谓语动词has lost,两个谓语动词之间没有并列连词连接,这里存在宾语从句从属连词的省略,还原从属连词为has decided that its fashion industry has lost an absolute right to define physical beauty for woman。

1. the global innovator of fashion: of fashion介词短语跟在名词innovator后面构成定语,理解为: 全球时尚的创新者

2. an absolute right to define physical beauty for woman: right权利和to do 搭配使用,to do短语充当定语功能,理解为...的权利;for woman同上,介词短语跟在名词beauty后面构成定语,意为女性身体美;理解:定义女性身体美的绝对权利

整句: 作为全球时尚的创新者,并以之为豪的法国决断称法国的时尚行业失去了定义女性身体美的绝对权利。



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