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时间:2019-09-05     作者:考研资源网  所属栏目: 考研英语

Marvel films to lose Spider-Man as Sony deal breaks down


  Marvel’s superhero films could be left without their most famous character after talks to "share" Spider-Man broke down between the Disney-owned studio and rival Sony, Hollywood media reported Tuesday.


  The Marvel movies have together grossed $22 billion at the global box office, and British actor Tom Holland’s Spider-Man has become an increasingly central figure in the most lucrative franchise in film history.


  But while the teen web-slinger has for decades been the "crown jewel" of the Marvel comic book empire on which the films are based, Sony owns the character’s movie rights.


  He only began appearing in Marvel’s "cinematic universe" after an almost unprecedented, and still highly secretive, 2015 deal struck between the Hollywood giants, with the two studios co-producing and splitting profits across the films.


  That partnership has now broken up following Disney and Sony’s failure to agree on financial terms for future films, multiple Hollywood media outlets said Tuesday.


  Marvel Studios boss Kevin Feige -- widely credited with the phenomenal boom in comic book movies of the past decade -- will no longer produce Sony’s standalone Spider-Man films, according to Deadline, which broke the news.

  据 Deadline 报道,大家所公认的在过去十年创造了漫威电影非凡成就的漫威影业的老板凯文·费奇将不再制作由索尼独有的蜘蛛侠电影。

  This makes it "almost certain" that the character Spider-Man will be absent from crossover appearances in future Marvel films too, according to Hollywood Reporter journalist Graeme McMillan.


  "Ultimately, this is far more of a problem for Marvel than it is for Sony," he wrote, noting how Spider-Man had become "the face of the Marvel Cinematic Universe" by the franchise’s most recent movie.




  lucrative  adj. 有利可图的;赚钱的

  franchise  n. 特权;公民权;经销权;管辖权 vt. 给…以特许;赋予公民权

  crossover  n. 交叉;天桥;转线路;变向运球过人



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