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时间:2015-07-21     作者:考研资源网  所属栏目: 考研英语
以下是2014年度微博流行词完整榜单,你说过哪些?“炸鸡和啤酒”、“(也是)醉了”……这些微博流行词的英文都咋说呐?让我们一起潮爆吧! “根本停不下来”、“心塞”……


Acting cute

It usually serves as a suffix of a sentence or an adjective conveying the idea of being cute.


Drunk and tired

In the state of “being drunk”, one describes him or herself as losing the will even to scold or complain to express disdain.


It is to be cherished.

Officially translated by People’s Daily as “it is to be cherished”, this expression went viral when actress Ma Yili, 38, responded to her husband Wen Zhang’s affairs with another actress on weibo.


Nice guy

The term is used for boys or men who make people feel warm. They keep a low profile, but are always thoughtful and care about others. In English, we don’t have an equivalent for this phrase, but we usually call this type a “nice guy”.


Push the envelope

When someone pushes the envelope, he or she tries to go beyond the limits of their ability.


Fried chicken and beer


Meet the king of (excavator maneuver)

This is an adaptation of a commercial slang term about trying to advocate an edge and advantage in business. It’s used by the online community as a mocking way of making a comparison.


Where did time go?

This phrase is used to describe the fleetingness of time before you notice it ― time slips through the fingers, never to be found again.


I am rich I am willful

Literally, the phrase means one can do what he pleases, even though it may seem unreasonable and silly, with excessive cash in the pocket.


Wanna date me?


APEC blue

"APEC blue" is a popular phrase coined by China's netizens to describe the blue sky in the heavily-polluted Beijing during the APEC week, which was a result of temporary tough emission-reduction measures.

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