The long weekend
A new, earlier discount frenzy grips Christmasshoppers
THE rhythms of Christmas used to be so simple. Buypresents in December, eat and drink too much, return unwanted gifts, then hunt bargains inthe January sales. Such habits may now be altered by the arrival on British shores of BlackFriday, an American retail phenomenon.
Black Friday is the day after Thanksgiving. This year it falls on November 28th. As Thanksgivingday revolves around the eating, so Black Friday revolves around the shopping. It has becomethe biggest day of the year for American retailers as they discount thousands of products,kick-starting the Christmas shopping season. According to one story the name thus refers toshops doing such booming trade that they go from the red into the black. It might equally benamed because of the casualty rate. Shoppers get hurt in the stampede for bargains. Somehave even died.
Since they do not celebrate Thanksgiving, Brits had never taken to Black Friday, until last year.Then, some British retailers joined American-owned companies like Amazon to introduce bigsavings. This year many more have embraced it. Visa Europe predicts that shoppers will spend6,000 per second on the day. John Lewis, a big London department store, is opening for itslongest day ever, from 8am to 10pm.
With such demand, why stop at one day? Most retailers are now stretching it into the followingweek, at least until Cyber Monday. That's the day after the Black Friday weekend whenshoppers are supposed to go crazy online, although John Lewis reckons they won't be able towait that long. Last year, its mobile traffic in the peak hour 7-8am was fourteen times higher onBlack Friday than anything it had seen before.
For retailers, it all gets people into the buying mood for Christmas early. The only worry, arguesJoshua Bamfield of the Centre for Retail Research, is that shoppers might be loth to fork out atregular prices when the discounts end.
1.refer to 涉及;指的是
By way of illustration I'll refer to the behavior ofrabbits.
The new law does not refer to land used for farming.
2.because of 因为,由于
He was not a particularly good shot because of his eyesight.
The man was known to the police because of previous convictions.
3.at least 至少;最低限度
Try to eat at least four slices of bread a day.
At least three British golf courses are now owned by the Japanese.
4.suppose to 认为是
There's nothing to keep us here, is there?I suppose not.
Some, I suppose, might even be in positions to influence opinion.